Monday, July 2, 2012

Everything I Need to Know, I Learned from Firefly and Serenity

How you get to where you're going is the worthier part.

Doing the impossible makes us mighty.

Even at the corner of "no" and "where" you are rarely alone as you think you are.

If ever someone tries to kill you, you try and kill 'em right back.

There's some things not to be mistaken for suggestions.

There is no defense against Naked and Articulate

It's important to be respectful of other cultures; some people juggle geese.

Tearing the clothes off your spouse is work work work, but hey, someone's gotta do it.

A stegosaurus and a T-Rex will never be friends for long; Betrayal is sudden but inevitable.

Swearing is okay in Chinese.

Nothin into nothin, carry the nothin is NOTHIN!

When you and you and your crew arrive in the nick of time, that makes you Big Damn Heroes.

Sometimes a thing gets broke can't be fixed.

Sometimes, it's very important to interrogate buffet tables.

You don't fix faith; it fixes you.

There is a special level of Hell reserved for Child Molesters and people who talk at the theater.

The Bible is against killin', but it's a mite fuzzy on the subject of kneecaps.

Sometimes the voices in your head are right.

We are all dreaming.

No power in the 'verse can stop me.

"Whore" is just another way to say "I love you"

It's important to fall in love with a man of mystery, because so few men are.

"A man can get a job, he might not look to close at what the job is. But a man learns all the details of a situation like ours, well, he has a choice."
"I don't believe he does."

It's not altogether wise, sneakin up on a fella when he's handling his weapon.

Ah, but a government is just a body of people, usually notably ungoverned.

People who wear blue latex gloves are not to be trusted.

There's a very big difference between seeing somebody undressed and seeing them naked.

When you can't run, you walk. And when you can't walk, you crawl. And when you can't do that... you find someone to carry you.

Just because you want to be in command of the ship, doesn't mean you can.

Even if you're on the losing side, it doesn't mean you're on the wrong one.

The wheel keeps turnin', but it only matters to those on the rim.

Never admit that you're unarmed.

There's always time for some thrillin' heroics.

Reputation? It's gossip; people talking.

You can't stop the Signal.

You shouldn't hit a man with a closed fist but it is, on occasion, hilarious.

‘Sanguine’ means both Hopeful and Bloody, which just about covers everything.

If you can't do something Smart, do something Right.

Telling someone you're going to shoot them doesn't give them incentive to talk.

Most History was written by someone hiding the truth.

Soar like a Leaf on the Wind

Just because you’re lost don't mean you're done.

What you plan and what takes place ain't necessarily gonna be similar. Be prepared for emergencies.

Sometimes, you've just gotta reassure everyone that everything's shiny. And frettin' ain't gonna change it.

If you ever go to kill someone, it's only fair to make sure that they're awake, facing you, and armed.

“I got people with me, people who trust each other, who do for each other and ain’t always looking for the advantage. There’s good people in the ‘verse. Not many, lord knows, but you only need a few.”

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